Wojciech Odrobina Carrick on Shannon- Modern architecture in our life

Architecture is nothing other than the art and technique of projecting, designing, building and modifying the human habitat ...

Architecture is nothing other than the art and technique of projecting, designing, building and modifying the human habitat. The etymology of the word "architecture" comes from the Greek superlative "arch", which means boss, authority or more than, and "tekton" which means builder. This means that the ancient Greeks already considered the architect as the head or director of construction and architecture as the technique or art of who carried out the project and directed the construction of buildings and structures. Even the word "techné" means creation, invention or art. From this word come the technical and tectonic words, the latter word that means constructive.

Of course, the importance of architecture in our lives goes back long before the Greeks, although they were the ones who coined the name with which we recognize architecture today.

Let's do for an instant the exercise of imagining what would have happened to humanity without the ability of man to build structures, buildings and urban centers. We would remain confined to caverns that were not intervened or built by man and that would serve as mere makeshift shelters with no capacity to extend or progress in buildings.

Wojciech Odrobina Carrick on Shannon -The role of the architect in modern architecture

The architect has the professional function of designing, designing, constructing, and maintaining buildings, cities and structures of various types. Its function is based on reflecting on concepts of living under social needs. You must have a high level of higher education along with a deep technical, artistic and social training. The architect can never be a merely practical auditor since he would not be able to assign sufficient reasons for the forms he adopts.

On the other hand, if the architect were based solely on the theory, he would be focusing on the shadow instead of the substance. An architect who is theoretical while practical will build doubly and will be able not only to prove the desirability of his design, but also to carry it into execution. Designing buildings, urban spaces or various structures ensuring the proper development of its construction, is the consequence of the sum of all its functions, knowledge and skills.

Wojciech Odrobina Carrick on Shannon - Types of architecture

Historical or stylistic architecture. This type of architecture is one that has emerged over time in various places creating architectural styles with their own characteristics, despite having similar characteristics in certain aspects. They are classified depending on the dominant period in terms of style, which covered a certain space both in time and in the territory, where said architectural type or style exerted influence. They can be listed within this type, both monuments and buildings of the public type as religious or military and private as houses.

Popular or traditional architecture. It covers those buildings that are carried out by the people themselves or by artisans who have little instruction as construction workers, masons, apprentices or laborers, who carry out construction of houses, both in urban centers in rural areas, as well as auxiliary buildings such as barns, pens , wells and various buildings for agricultural use, made with traditional materials, such as wood, stone or adobe.

These architectural works are made according to the needs of the people and are made with the materials that are available, influencing the traditions of the place, since the buildings vary from country to country, especially as they are adapted to the climate of the region , as well as local materials and style.


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